a fully fledged adult.

Oh yes, you read the title right.
And the name of the blog.
And unfortunately it's so very true. Too true. I even googled to find out whether I was still technically a minority anywhere in the world (on the basis of moving there... Running away from responsibility, me? Never) but, alas, I am an adult. Worldwide. A millennial adult at that (I took a Buzzfeed quiz and I am definitely a millennial, which is sooo fetch) so there's that.

Now, it's time for me to stop rambling and actually get to the point that I was trying to make. The point of this post, this blog, this life, is; things don't always go as planned. I mean there's even that super famous quote, I'm sure you've heard of it: "The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry" - Steinbeck (oh yes, you're damned right that my GCSE English is coming in handy. Shout out Of Mice and Men. I mean, I'm still crying for Lennie. If you know, you know) So, yeah.
The plan was not to be a 25 year old living at home. In my parents spare room. Especially as it coincides with my younger brother having just moved out. One out, one in. Sorry mum.

I gotta admit, I'm not a super planner or even remotely organised but I had a vague idea of how I pictured things going, when I moved out at 18. I went to uni, I met my long term boyfriend and then proceeded to live with him. We even moved to another country (admittedly it was Wales to England, but still thats a big deal, for me at least) and then I thought I was going to get the job of my dreams and buy a house and get married and have kids and... and yet, here I am. Prattling on to you, internet user, about the trials and tribulations of life. Oh, side note, can I just say I do not get why the title "millennial" is associated with being a garbage person. This cross generation hate is ridiculous. Like there are many other issues in this world we live in, but maybe that deep convo is for another day. Yeah? Yeah.

So, back to what I was saying. I guess I'm feeling a wee, tad, lil' bit... lost. I mean, it's totally understandable, right? And in light of having sulked around for the past few months (I'll adamantly argue that I was just processing the change but others would say I've been gloomy...)  I have decided to take things into my own hands. Just like the adult that we've established that I now am. And in my quest to figure my life out, I have stumbled across a ridiculous amount of articles dedicated to 'finding yourself' and 'what to do when relationships break down' and blah blah blah. But the reason that there are so many of those is because there are so many people that have ended up (and will end up, soz!) in my position. Consequently, I'm going to take one for the team and submit myself to completing a list of the article's suggested activities in order to 'find myself'. This way, at best, I'll get myself back out there and out of the rut I currently live in; work, eat sleep, work eat, sleep. And at worst? I make a prat of myself but it'll be interesting enough to blog about...

The first thing to know is that I'm not going to be following any one particular list. This is because there were some suggestions on each list I found that were 100% questionable. For example, one suggested; 'get a pet' but that just screams irresponsible to me. You should only get a pet because you're in a position to provide a loving home not because you're 'a bit lost'... plus I already have four cats so I'm at full capacity, according to my parents...) Wow, hang on a second, that sounded super adult and responsible. Uhhh.... anyway, I'm gonna collate a list of 20(?, this is open to change) things that will force me to try new things and get out of my comfort zone. Which is, in all honesty, a super comfortable zone I live in but I guess thats why I need to get out of it. Oh god, what have I gotten myself into? This sounds like it's going to be horrendous. Can I cancel this now?

No, no I cannot. I will do this and emerge a beautifully well-rounded and stable adult. And a proud millennial?

Are you guys fully fledged adults? Are you doing a 'list' of things to find yourself? Let me know that I'm not alone or entirely insane!
