the list.
Okay guys and gals, strap yo' pretty selves in because here it is. The finalised list that I've been pouring over for, like, 10 years . Or approximately 2 hours but I like being dramatic, whatever. Some of these I'm super concerned about but hey, it'll be fine. Right? Right. So I'm thinking that I won't be tackling them in the order they're in, and I guess some of them are on-going things as opposed to like I do it once and that's it? Also, some are much more, like, spiritually-based than physically-getting-out-there-and-doing-it- based. I wanted a real mix of challenges because it's nice to mix things up. Oh, and I can't always be spending a million and one pennies on things, you know? Ya gal is not flush with that cash money right now. 1 . Go on one major adventure solo . Whether it's a day out or a week away somewhere, just go. 2 . Volunteer. Find something I can do to help give back or help others. (This is scary to me, meetin...