the list.

Okay guys and gals, strap yo' pretty selves in because here it is. The finalised list that I've been pouring over for, like, 10 years. Or approximately 2 hours but I like being dramatic, whatever. 
Some of these I'm super concerned about but hey, it'll be fine. Right? Right. So I'm thinking that I won't be tackling them in the order they're in, and I guess some of them are on-going things as opposed to like I do it once and that's it? Also, some are much more, like, spiritually-based than physically-getting-out-there-and-doing-it-based. I wanted a real mix of challenges because it's nice to mix things up. Oh, and I can't always be spending a million and one pennies on things, you know? Ya gal is not flush with that cash money right now.
1. Go on one major adventure solo. Whether it's a day out or a week away somewhere, just go.
2. Volunteer. Find something I can do to help give back or help others. (This is scary to me, meeting new people sans someone else being there...)
3. Commit to wake up and watch the sunrise at least once each season. It'd be nice to see how it looks in the different weathers (although it mostly rains here...)
4. Find someone to mentor. This one is probably not something that'll happen quickly or easily because I always doubt my own abilities.
5. Try to write a book. The only goal be to get to the end, not to write a best seller. I mean, you're reading my blog, you know I am not best seller material!
6. Pick one thing I thought I’d never do. I'm thinking something like skydiving which is scary as hell for many reasons. Maybe I could do it for charity, that'd be nice.
7. Learn to speak a different language. I will admit I have a basic understanding of conversational French under my belt - I used to be nearly fluent, but due to a lack of people in my life who speak the language. Maybe I should learn Welsh, as I'm Welsh and can only say like two sentences and a few random words, oh and I can count...
8. Get fit. Getting fit will supposedly help you find your true limits, your true potential, and your true self, so I guess it's definitely one to stick on the list.
9. Get a plant or two and keep it alive. Maybe learn more about gardening, my mum and grandmother are blessed with a green thumb, so why aren't I?
10. Smile at three strangers every day, especially when you don’t want to. The joys of a customer facing role in work.
11. Forgive the people who’ve wronged me—every single one of them. In person or in a letter.
12. Take up a new hobby - baking, knitting, sewing, astrology. I don't know, just something different that I feel enthusiastic about. It may take a few attempts.
13. Take time to myself. I mean, just spend time with me, figure out what I'm truly all about. I'm going to aim for at least an hour a week to start with.
14. Create a vision for my life. A MOOD BOARD, if you will. My degree coming in handy here, I knew I got myself into stupid amounts of debt for some reason... "Get clear on your purpose, what drives you and what you desire for your love life, relationships, career, finances, lifestyle, wellbeing and personal growth."
15. Meditate daily. I'll probably choose to do it nightly, I hear it helps you sleep and lord knows I need all the help I can get there.
16. Mix up my routine. I don’t want to live the same year 85 times and call it a life – I will try a new route, coffee shop, walking trail, hairstyle - something new every so often to switch it up.
17. Pause throughout the day. Sounds weird, I know, but it also sounds real soothing. Listen; "Take your attention away from the circling thoughts and worries in your head and connect with the sights, sounds, smells, textures and beauty of life surrounding you." I will be a freaking serene queen.
18. Create rituals. Whether it’s a morning ritual, evening book or weekend brunch. We're at the core, creatures of habit and right now I'm not very habitual. Maybe that's why I feel like such a mess?
19. Give thanks. Gratitude is magic – it makes what you have enough and attracts more goodness into your life. I know I'm not thankful enough for the little tings in life, so hopefully by being more aware, I can reach a new level of happiness.
20. Love and accept myself. Now this one, this one will take time. I've had an awful relationship with myself for as long as I can remember, which is definitely something super sad. I mean, yourself is the one person you're with for life, so you should try to at least like yourself, yeah?
21. Plan out your week. Back in the days of school, you had your planner and you knew exactly where you were and when. And although 5 days a week, I'm in work, there's other things going on. Would be quite nice to know what's what.
22. Reflect on the week. Give thanks for everything wonderful that happened and acknowledge what isn’t working so well so you can fix it instead of repeating the same patterns. This probably ties in with the above point, could do the two at the same time, perhaps.
23. Spend time in nature. I used to be outdoors so much as a kid, and honestly I think I was more balanced because of it. Not endlessly scrolling through insta and the youtubes. Which I do now. God, being a kid now must be hard.
24. Let go of the past. It’s not happening here and now so don't let it define you. I can acknowledge it may have shaped me in some way but it does not define me entirely.
25. De-clutter your space. My brother is such a minimalist and I'm such a hoarder. I want to find a place between the two, especially with my clothes!
26. Check in with yourself regularly. How often do you ask yourself how you are feeling? What a weird concept, I spend so much time checking those around me are okay but I never reflect as to whether I'm okay... God, am I okay?
27. Breathe deeply. My fitbit has a lil' function for 2 minutes of breathing, which apparently can really help reset and realign yourself. I definitely need to do this at certain times!
28. Read more, a book a month at least. I'm such a bookworm, normally, like I could read before I started school but these past few months I've one hundred percent lost my mojo.
29. Do one thing each week that scares you. This is one I'm not sure how I'll go about it, but I'll give it a good go!
30. Value my happiness. Any time I'm feeling negative, I need to turn that around and focus on the happy and good parts of my life.
So, this is a hefty list - I AM AWARE. But I'm excited to give it a good go. I'm a trier if nothing else... Let me know if you have any thoughts, ideas or pointers on my list, I'm all ears!
